An extra colourful autumn with the EXIT Toys play tips
07 september 2023

An extra colourful autumn with the EXIT Toys play tips

Red, orange, yellow…. during autumn the leaves of the trees turn into the most gorgeous colours. In this season you can still enjoy playing outside and crafting with all of nature’s beauties. With the EXIT Toys autumn play tips your autumn will be even more colourful!

Play a life-sized board game with pavement chalk

Are you in the mood for a board game but would you also prefer to play outside? Create your own outdoor board game with pavement chalk! You can play the game with at least 2 persons.

This is what you need:

6 colours of pavement chalk

A dice

Pen and paper


This is how you play the game:

Step 1

Use the pavement chalk to draw squares on the sidewalk. Draw them one after another so you create a path. For a playful effect you can let the squares form an ‘S’ or a circle. This forms the basis of your life-sized board game.

Step 2

Write ‘Start’ at the beginning of your board game and ‘Finish’ at the end of it.

Step 3

Colour the squares with pavement chalk. Use a different colour for each square. After colour 6 you start over with colour 1, 2… and so on. You can also colour the pavement tiles to create squares for your board game.

Step 4

Think up fun game instructions for the different colours and write them down with pen and paper, for example:

Yellow = make a little dance

Orange = sing a song

Blue = make 3 turns

Pink = go back to start

White = jump as high as you can

Green = stand on one leg for 5 seconds

Step 5

Let the game begin! All participants stand on ‘Start’. Now the players take turn in throwing the dice. The person whose turn it is moves the number of steps shown on the dice. He or she then carries out the instruction of the colour on which he or she lands.


The first person to reach ‘Finish’, wins!

An extra colourful autumn with the EXIT Toys play tips


Decorate your (play)house with an autumn wreath

Head out and collect those beautifully coloured autumn leaves. Then let them shine in your EXIT playhouse or house by turning them into an autumn wreath!


This is what you need:

Autumn leaves

Cardboard plates



A string


This is how you do it:

Step 1

Cut out the middle of the cardboard plate, leaving only the outer edge. This will be the basis of your wreath.

Step 2

Use the glue to stick your collected leaves onto the plate. Do this for the entire edge so you will get a nicely filled wreath.

Step 3

Tie the string to the wreath.

Step 4

Find a beautiful spot in your (play)house and hang up the wreath. Ta-da!

An extra colourful autumn with the EXIT Toys play tips

Make pinecone pendants

Pinecone pendants are also great for your (play) house. Here is what you need and how to make them.


This is what you need:




Coloured beads

Possible paint and mini pompons


This is how you do it:

Step 1

Tie a string to the bottom of a pinecone. You can glue the string for extra strength.

Step 2

Thread the beads onto the string.

Step 3

Make a loop at the end of the string. This way, the beads won't fall off and you can hang up your creation now! You can also decorate the pinecone with paint or glue mini pompoms on it.


Now you can enjoy autumn not only while playing outside, but also while being inside!

An extra colourful autumn with the EXIT Toys play tips

Can’t get enough of crafting?

Sometimes autumn can feel like forever. Do you not want to get bored for a second? Then check our other blog about autumn craft ideas and make your own crown with leaves or an autumnal necklace!

Would you like to find out more? Call, email, or chat with us!

Do you have any questions about our autumn play ideas? Or do you have a great idea yourself? Let us know! Contact us through the chat, call +31 314 - 796 020 or send an email to info@exittoys.com. We will be in touch within 24 hours.

An extra colourful autumn with the EXIT Toys play tips
Written by: Liza

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